Strákur frá Vatnsleysu

Strákur frá Vatnsleysu is a striking 14h tall five gaited (AA tested) stallion with great bone and substance, a son of the amazing Glampi frá Vatnsleysu. Strákur is a horse with great charisma and pride that immediately gets noticed. He is naturally tolting with well-separated gaits. His movements (in tolt and trot in particular) are naturally high and wide as the horses from Vatnsleysa are well-known for. He is an exceptional riding horse with comfortable wiliness and easy supple tolt. But what Strákur is most well-known for is his exceptional character – he is amazingly calm, gentle, and brave, even by Icelandic standards. Truly unique. The icing on the cake for this amazing stallion is his extremely rare and striking color – homozygous splash white.
Strákur has been proven to strongly pass on to his offspring large size with good bone, supple natural tolt, and his amazing calm and sweet character. These are attributes highly desired in the North American market, which is why we knew we had to bring him to the US. Also, his foals often have the beautiful Vatnsleysa movements, with high and wide steps. In addition, because he is homozygous splash white all of his offspring inherit one copy of the splash gene, which with non-splash mares often expresses with interesting blazes, socks, and blue eyes. So no matter the color of the mare Strákur typically produces some very interesting markings.
Live cover or fresh, chilled, or frozen semen available.
Sand Meadow Farm - Steven & Andrea Barber
300 Taylor Road Honeoye Falls, New York 14472
(585) 624-4468 | |
S: Glampi frá Vatnsleysu - IS1989158501 - 8.35, 1st Prize for Offspring
SS: Smári frá Borgarhóli - IS1983157002 - 8.01
SD: Albína frá Vatnsleysu - IS1977258509 - 7.84
D: Sonata frá Vatnsleysu - IS1996258511 - 8.1
DS: Jarl frá Búðardal - IS1991138001 - 8.1
DD: Silja frá Vatnsleysu - IS1988258515 - 7.79